Treasure Island Sunset

Treasure Island Sunset

Friday, January 29, 2016

Some Favorites From 2015

2015 was the year that I reconnected with photography in a serious way. Like so many others, my fascination with photography began in my teens. But it was the film age then, and I didn't have a lot of money to spend on either equipment or processing. So eventually, after not getting the results I was hoping for in my own images, my interest just faded. But it never went completely away.

So many changes have taken place in photography since then, most of them for the better. The digital age allows the photographer to have nearly total control over the images they produce. So now, if you can visualize a scene in your mind, you can most likely produce it digitally. What fun!

So 2015 was spent acquiring the equipment that would form the core of the photo gear I needed to produce the nature and landscape images that I love. I have explained my thought processes on choosing the camera system and lenses that I currently own in this blog and you can find those posts here and here.

I'm happy to say that I can see progress in the quality of the images I am producing and it's my hope that 2016 will see much further personal advancement in this art form that I so enjoy.

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite images from last year:

I'll lead off with my favorite shot off the year
taken at Indian Rocks Beach

Water lilies are a favorite subject of mine
 and this one was unusually beautiful

Bald eagles are fascinating and this one
provided me with several good poses

This image was not well received online
but it's still one of my personal favorites, so here it is!

Great Blue Herons are nature photographer's gold
and I found this one at Circle B Bar Reserve

Black-Crested Night Herons are beautiful birds anyway.
But just look at those red eyes!

This Malchite Butterfly was found at
the butterfly garden at MOSI in Tampa

This little fellow was darting in and
out of the waves at Fort Desoto

The Long Pier at Redington Beach at sunset

Monarch butterflies are incredibly beautiful
and this is my favorite of the many I shot this year

Roseate Spoonbills have the most gorgeous colors!

See my latest nature and wildlife images at:
Cherokee Sun on Facebook


  1. Wonderful photos, completely professional quality. Keep up this blog and the amazing pphotos.

  2. Thanks for the comments Johnny. I had a great time making these photos.
